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Prikazovanje 1–12 od 21 rezultatov

Patricia Davis: Subtle Aromatherapy (Paperback)

 16,00 z DDV

Although the use of essential oils to help physical, mental and emotional problems has been thoroughly investigated and described over the past few decades, this is the first book devoted solely to their use on a subtle or spiritual level. Written by the author of the best-selling aromatherapy book of all time, Aromatherapy An A-Z, it examines the applications of aromatherapy in personal and spiritual growth, meditation and healing. Topics covered include Vibrational Healing, The Role of the Healer, Methods of Use, Chakra Energy, Essential Oils and Crystals, Meditation etc., etc., with detailed notes on the subtle properties of the individual oils.

Publisher: C W Daniel Co LtdPublished: 30 March 2005Format: Paperback 256 pages

Slobodanka Poštić : V čarobnem svetu vonjev

 23,90 z DDV

Če vas dišeča eterična olja privlačijo in bi radi vstopili v svet aromaterapije, nikar ne odlašajte s pridobitvijo potrebnih znanj. Ne prestavljajte je v neko namišljeno “boljšo prihodnost”, češ da boste imeli takrat več časa. In se boste lahko posvetili tudi dejavnostim, ki ne spadajo med najnujnejša vsakdanja opravila. Utrgajte si nekaj časa in se dela lotite takoj! Osnovno aromaterapevtsko znanje je preprosto in ga je lahko osvojiti. To je majhna naložba v ogromno zadovoljstvo, ki vam ga bo prinesla uporaba aromaterapevtskega znanja.

Kurt Schnaubelt: Advanced Aromatherapy: The Science of Essential Oil Therapy (Paperback)

 23,90 z DDV

Aromatherapy is the fastest-growing segment of the body care industry, an effective and deeply pleasurable way to maintain well-being. Now, Kurt Schnaubelt, a chemist and longtime aromatherapy practitioner, provides scientific proof for the efficacy of essential oils, explained clearly and logically. Advanced Aromatherapy draws on the most recent research to demonstrate how essential oils work on the cells and microbes of the body. These chemical changes affect emotional states as well as physical ones. Advanced Aromatherapy explains how to treat symptoms ranging from hay fever to stress disorders with predictable results. An essential textbook for aromatherapy practitioners.

Publisher: Healing Arts PressPublished: 10 November 1999Format: Paperback 144 pages

Ščepec ustvarjanja, Kako od začimb dobiti največ

 38,00 z DDV

Kako pravilno uporabiti začimbe?

Sveže, suhe, kuhane, pečene? // Od česa bo odvisno, kako bodo delovale? // S kakšnimi živili jih pripraviti? // Kaj smemo zmešati skupaj in česa ne. // Kako se moči začimb lahko pomnožijo? // Kako lahko postanejo celo 1000-krat močnejše kot v osnovi? // Ali lahko uporabimo eterična olja za aromatiziranje hrane?
Odgovore na ta in mnoga druga praktična vprašanja boste našli v tretji knjigi trilogije Ščepec.

Tehnične specifikacije:

300 barvnih strani
format 200 x 260 mm
trda vezava, šivano, plastificirano.



Vodnik praktične aromoterapije

 12,10 z DDV

Eterična olja dajejo rastlinam vonj in neverjetne moči, da ugajajo in zdravijo. Že v davnini so jih uporabljali za zdravila in užitek za čute. V tem vodniku aromoterapije Bill in Lynn Lee odkrivata, kako voh sproža močne telesne učinke. Govorita še o širokem spektru zdravilnih učinkov rastlinskih olj in o boleznih, pri katerih lahko pomagajo. Dajeta tudi recepte za doma pripravljene napitke in mazila ter raziskujeta uporabo eteričnih olj za sprostitev in regeneracijo pri masaži in v dodatkih za kopeli.
Vodnik praktične aromoterapije je bogat z napotki in recepti, zato je izredno uporaben. Gre za prvo predstavitev tega zanimivega področja v dostopni obliki za vsakdanjo rabo.


Valerie Ann Worwood: Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child (Paperback)

Izvirna cena je bila: € 26,00.Trenutna cena je: € 24,00. z DDV

This reference shows how essential oils can help parents raise healthier, happier children. Chapters cover every age from newborn to teen with aromatherapy remedies for typical problems — from diaper rash to bedwetting to asthma. The book features information for pregnant mothers and physically challenged children and appendices with reference charts, safety data, and supplier information. This is a valuable book for every concerned parent.

Publisher: NEW WORLD LIBRARYPublished: 10 April 2000Format: Paperback 320 pages

Valerie Ann Worwood: The Fragrant Mind: Aromatherapy for Personality, Mind, Mood and Emotion (Paperback)

 17,90 z DDV

Valerie Ann Worwood’s “The Fragrant Pharmacy” has become the classic encyclopaedia of aromatherapy and essential oils. Now, in this companion volume, “The Fragrant Mind”, she paves a unique new way for aromatherapy, concentrating on the emotional, psychological and mood-changing effects of nature’s essential oils. “The Fragrant Mind” falls into three parts. Part One presents a fascinating background to the subject, and explains how essential oils work on the brain. Part Two explains how essential oils can enhance emotional well-being and promote positive feelings, and includes a practical A-Z section which advises on a wide range of emotional problems, from stress and depression to moodiness and insomnia. Part Three introduces a whole new concept in aromatherapy – personality enhancement – and explains the particular characteristics of individual essential oils and how they can be matched to human personality types. You can find out, for example, whether you are a Floral, Herbie, Rootie, Woodie, Fruitie or Seedie type, and create your own tailor-made personality blends. Encyclopaedic in scope, and based on the most up-to-date research, “The Fragrant Mind” offers a wealth of information in an easy, accessible style, and shows the way in which essential oils can influence our minds and emotions.

Robert Tisserand, Rodney Young, Tony Balacs: Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals (Churchill Livingstone) (Paperback)

 95,90 z DDV

The second edition of this book is virtually a new book. It is the only comprehensive text on the safety of essential oils and the first review of essential oil/drug interactions and provides detailed essential oil constituent data not found in any other text. Much of the existing text has been re-written, and 80 per cent of the text is completely new. There are 400 comprehensive essential oil profiles and almost 4000 references. There are new chapters on the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, the urinary system, the digestive system and the nervous system. For each essential oil there is a full breakdown of constituents, and a clear categorization of hazards and risks, with recommended maximum doses and concentrations. There are also 206 Constituent Profiles. There is considerable discussion of carcinogens, the human relevance of some of the animal data, the validity of treating an essential oil as if it was a single chemical, and the arbitrary nature of uncertainty factors. There is a critique of current regulations.

Published: 24 October 2013

Format: Paperback 784 pages


Julia Lawless: Encyclopedia of Essential Oils: The Complete Guide to the Use of Aromatic Oils in Aromatherapy, Herbalism, Health and Well Being (Paperback)

 22,90 z DDV

This is one of the bestselling aromatherapy books of all time with vital information on plant origins, medical herbalism and the properties and actions of herbs and essential oils. It covers 165 oils, their actions, characteristics, principal constituents and folk traditions and is a must for experienced aromatherapists and beginners alike. This essential handbook is used by aromatherapists all over the world and is one of the most successful titles in this area. It includes an A-Z listing of an enormous range of internationally relevant aromatic plants. Comprehensive information is provided for each entry, for example: * Common name, Latin name, botanical plant family * General Description – what it looks like * Distribution – where it’s found * Herbal Folk Tradition – traditional uses * Actions – what it’s good for * Extraction – How the oil is extracted * Characteristics – what the oil looks like, and which other oils it blends well with * Safety Information. The Encyclopedia also covers: * History of aromatherapy and herbalism * How aromatic plants work on your body & mind * How to make your own blends * Uses for oils in the home. This is a classic guide to essential oils and will remain a vital source of information for generations to come.

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Publisher: Harper ThorsonsPublished: 01 October 2002Format: Paperback 256 pagesSee: Full bibliographic data


 29,95 z DDV

Aromaterapija neguje, sprošča in zdravi. Je tudi ljubiteljska veščina, s katero si lahko pomagamo pri doseganju boljšega življenja.

Pred vami je izbor dvainpetdesetih čudovito dišečih zdravilnih rastlin, od katerih je vsaka posebej zgodba zase.

Zgodba o užitku, lepoti, zdravju in zlasti vonju.

Z njimi lahko nadomestimo škodljive snovi v čistilih in kozmetiki, si pričaramo domači velnes, prijetno pomagamo sebi in bližnjim, ustvarjamo naravne parfume. Zlasti pa uživamo v raziskovanju in občutenju.

Kurt Schnaubelt: Medical Aromatherapy: Healing with Essential Oils (Paperback)

 25,00 z DDV

This distinguished organic chemist shares his in depth knowledge of the particular current value of essential oils, for health on all levels. In an era when Western allopathic medicine has less and less appeal, this self-care method is a potent alternative, with roots going back to ancient times. Dr. Schaubelt has a gift for presenting facts and information in a way that is intriguing and easy to assimilate. In the flood of “coffee table” aromatherapy books currently available, this is a much needed and welcome source for those truly interested in taking responsiblity for their own health.

Publisher: North Atlantic Books,U.S.Published: 20 May 1999Format: Paperback 296 pages